Friday 19 November 2010

research and planning: two page spread story ideas.

  • For my two pages spread I am going to focus on my band "Don't forget Me," so because they are a new band to this magazine then the target audience/ readers will want to know about the band personally and how they got together. I thing this should cover one page of the two page spread.
  • I think the title should come over both pages but dominant one page.
  • I also thing a lot of graphics to show the band and head shots so the audience/ readers know what the band members look like and can analyse them for them selves.
  • An idea is to put an interview between the magazine editor and the band so that readeers can have fun finding out about the likes and dislikes about the bands. Icould include questions like Who's the most famous person you've meet? Whats the most embarrassing thing you've ever done? Who is your inspiration/ Idol?
  • From the analysis of the two page spread of Kerrang I need to have story that will interest the readers as the band is a new band.

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