Thursday 18 November 2010

Resaerch and Planning: Rock music videos and images.

For part of my research I decided it would help me to watch music videos from rock influence, including the kerrang channel and Scuzz. I thought this would be a good idea to help me get a better understanding, so i could see how they behave when performing and the look they portray. So i could try and put this across in my magazine.
This is the music video http to avenged sevenfold - Nightmare, this is a well known rock band and I have looked at their appearance and there performance so I can try and include it in my pictures I found:
  • A lot of tattoo's
  • Mad hair styles - to show that their different and unique
  • Bandannas/ sunglasses - This signals hiding identity making it seem like what there doing is illegal or looked down upon, making it seem outrageous.
  • They are aggressive when they sing - These relates to the loud music.
  • Creepy animals - Tarantula - I think this is included to connotate scare as a lot of people are creeped out by these sort of animals.

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