Tuesday 9 November 2010

Resaerch and Planning: Shot list - potental shots for my magazine

Shot types and angles I'm thinking of using in my magazine.
  • Long shot of the band in action from a low angle to make them look dominating. With the camera canted to give the shot a funky twist. Two page spread
  • The head shots will be medium close-up, I have decided to include this shot because the band is new and people will want to know what they look like. Two page spread
  • Wide shot, long shot of the band in action at their location for the front page. This is to tell the audience that the band "Don't forget me" is the issues main story. Front page
  • Pictures of different bands from medium to long shots, this will be for the contents page to show that the magazine isn't just about one band so it will appeal to more people.
Examples of shot types.
This is an example of a long shot. This is a good shot to use becasue its shows the whole image of the band so the audience of the magazine will no what the band look like. To use a long shot has been influenced by the kerrang magazine

This a example of a medium shot. This is a good shot touse because this shows the facial expresions of the band members so people can make assumptions on what the people in the band are like.

This is an example of a canted angled shot, i feel this well be a good angle to use in my magazine as it makes a picture more interesting. This will also be good because the genre of my magazine is rock and I feel that rock is not a dull genre so the shot will hae to project this.

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