Thursday 18 November 2010

Research and Planning. My location Ideas

When I started to think about locations for my magazine I thought of all the locations that would signal Rokc to the audience I came up with:
  • An under ground walk way - I thought of this because rock is loud and if the picture was to be taken under an underground it could connotate the loudness because its away from the world.
  • A motor way - I thought a motor way would be a really good idea but I knew icouldn't do this because of the danger. But thaty would be a good representation of my band because rockers have a stereotype of dangerous.
  • City center - I thought a city centerwould be a good idea because after research rockers like there music to be heard and in a city center there music would get a lot of attension.
  • Canal/ woods - I thought this would be interesting because it would connotate exclusion from the world. I t would connotate that the rockers feel there music is two outrageous for the busy urban streets.

After a lot of thought I decided on the canal/ woods because I felt this was the location I could make work the best and it would give my magazine an intersting, diverse twist.

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