Monday 20 September 2010

Research and Planning : Research into Semiotics

I am researching into Semiotics so I can understand what is needed for my magazine, to apply it my target audience and also the genre of my magazine. Semiotics the signs used to tell the audience the genre of a magazine, so the audience know and understand the meaning of the magazine.
 For example
This Kerrang  magazine gives many signs to connotate rock for example:
  • The four dominant images show a rock band and there facial expressions give a sign of rock as they look laid back and outrageous and that is the stereotypical behaviour of rockers.
  • Stereotypically the fact they have tattoo's give a sign of rock.
  • "Guitar hero" rockers are very much into guitars so this is a sign of rock
  • The colours are very bold and in your face this is a sign of rock as rock music is very bold and in your face as its loud. 
  • The top banner "Iron maiden/ muse" this also give signs of a rock magazine as these are rock bands. 

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