Thursday 16 September 2010

Research and Planning : Analysis of college magazine

Analysis of college magazine
  • The dominant image connotates its a college magazine as the girl looks young and the clothes are very student. Her facial expression show that she is happy connotating that at college students are happy. This makes target audience want to read on.  
  • The masthead shows the audience or target audience the magazine is about college, also the font is very student. I think the font is student because it looks like a font you would find students using. 
  • There is a slug line to give the target audience a taster of the theme of the magazine as well as the masthead.
  • There are stories/ anchors to pull and entice the readers to want to buy and read the magazine. The stories also associate with college as they are what teenagers want to read about, there more gossip then serious.
  • Issue number and date to keep the college students up to date with stories and features in the magazine. Also it has the other convention of a magazine the bar code. 
  • Overall the magazine features all connotate student life as the girl is casual and happy, the font is not to professional so it connotates that the magazine is laid back and easy going. The stories aren't    crucial and serious so it gives the students a chance to have a gossip and chill out. The magazine is also easy to understand and eye catching with the bright colours used.

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