Wednesday 22 September 2010

Research and planning: introduction to indesign

  • The first time on indesign i found quite straight foward and easy to use as the format is basically the same as Photoshop but you are restricted from some of the tools.
  • To create this review of Alice in wonderland 2010 i firstly opened up indesign and opened up an A4 word document. To do this it was very similar to photoshop meaning you could pick the size of the paper.

  • Then by selecting the tool which had a picture of a box, I went from corner of the page to the other and this aloud me to change the page colour. So to do so I went to the tool box and doubled clicked on the colour box. I then found my colour and pressed ok.

  • Then using the box tool again i made a box at the top of the page and then by going to the T tool i was able to write my title into the box. I then highlighted my writing and changed the font, size and colour.

  • Then before I could apply my text I changed the page into 3 collumns.

  • I then applied my text onto the page and to do this I dragged the text into the boxes as far as they could fit and cut the bit of text that would not. To this you started at the top of one collumn and dragged the text down the bottom of the collumn. Then when u relised the text a plus sign was next the text. By pressing this the following text was moved onto the next collumn.

  • Then to add the picture I opened it up from my folder and dragged and dropped it on to the page. I then cropped the picture to the size it is so it would fit between the boarder and text.

  • Then I added in a page number. To this is created a box using the box tool. I then selected the T tool so I could input my page number in the box. I then highlighted the page number I had created and changed the size by going to the tool bar acroos the top of the screen.

  • Then lastly I created a border for the film review page. To this I selected the tool that is a picture of line. When this tool is pressed another tool box appears and this enables you to change the thickness of the line and the form of line. I as seen choose to use the spotted line because hving seen Alice in wonderland I think it goes well with the picture.
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