Monday 18 October 2010

Research and planning: A front cover draft

This is a draft of ideas for my front cover. I have used the results from my questionnaire and the analysis of the two magazine front covers, to create something that I think will appeal to my target audience.

  • I have used the analysis of the Kerrang magazine for the smash effect on the Masthead. I feel this will connect to my target audience because from research of other magazines, I found that violence and danger associates with the rock music and the personality of the rockers.
  • I have thought to use the background of the picture because on rock magazines I think its important to show the location of the band because it connotates their life and their music genre.
  • I have put in big writing across the magazine "Don't forget me" because that is a new magazine and thats what this issue is based around for example. Thats why the dominant image will also be of this new band.
  • A barcode would need adding to this to make the magazine more professional.

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