Tuesday 25 January 2011

Research and Planning: Audience feed back


  1. hey :)
    Contents page:
    I really like your contents page as the green colour in the title and the yellow on the page really does stand out,I really like how there are a lot of images on the contents page but as an improvement I would suggest to look at the bottom image of the girl on her own as it doesn't look as in proportion as the other images.

    Front cover:
    I really love the front cover I feel that the image is great as each of the models are complimenting each other. Also I like how the green and yellow as continued on both the contents and the front cover. If you have more time the only thing that I would look at the yellow circle as it looks quite bold.

    Double page spread
    I really like your double page spread and love how the title is in a scattered effect, I think you already know that a picture should go in the black space and with that I think it will really finish off your double page spread.

    Overall I think its ace han :D

  2. contents page:

    looks really good, got a bit of white space but because of the other things going on in the page it gets let off. The girl in the striped top on your contents page is a really good actor and you can see the emotions coming through really well which helps you understand the story much better.

    Front page:

    looks really good too, the only thing wrong i think is that there isn't enough colour on the front page, the black green and yellow look a little 'boring' maybe a lighter colour such as blue or red will break it up a little bit.

    double page spread:

    looks really good but again the colours need breaking up, with maybe a red or a blue. There is quiet a lot of black space but once the dominant image thee i i think it will look really good.

  3. front cover has a good consistent use of the same colours also the main image used is a good pose and quality.

    the contents page is a good continuation of the same colours however you should fill more of the white space

    I like the layout of the double page spread and all the fonts used for the text, it will look good when more is added to the blank space :)

  4. The front cover:
    I really like the layout of your front cover, especially the stories and the masthead, the only fault, id suggest that the "Dont Forget me" would be placed slightly down beneath the females face as its blocking her slightly.

    The contents page:
    The page numers and storys are set out very well, also the way you've carried the colours from your front cover is good, The top left photographs are very creative, the only thing I would change would be the photographs beneath it as they may not represent your genre.

    The Double page Spread:
    I really like your layout on here, introducing each band member is a good idea to especially if there a new band. Once you get a main photograph in there it will come together well.

  5. I really like your colour scheme and how you have used it through out all the pages. I really like the masthead. I really think the masthead suits your genre. I like the strong pose used on the front cover. I like the double page spread layout, I like how you have introduced each band member. Overall I really like your magazine. Hope this helps. :)
