Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Research and planning: Analysis of exsisting magazine contents page and two page spread.

Genre: The genre of the contents page is rock. This is signal through the pictures for example the picture that dominants the magazine is connotating the typical rocker, Tattoo's, swearing which connotates rocker attitude. All of the picture represent the stereotypical rocker.
Target Audience: The target audience for this magazine is people who are students or people who have a part time job, social-economic group E/ D. This is because the magazine doesn't really look professional because there is more use of pictures then words connotating that the audience would not understand the magazine properly if there was more paragraphs.
Layout: The layout prioritizes the images on the magazine to makes sure the audience understands what the magazine is going to be about. Also it looks untidy making it look less professional, on the other hand the layout suits the magazine because of the stereotypical rock images of untidiness and attitude its conveyed through the layout used, so the layout relates to the audience.
Representation: The representation is young and and easy going and this is represented through the amount of pictures used. This is because there are loads of pictures signaling that this magazine is aimed at people who just want to be able to easily red the magazine without too much concentration. Also the images show people who seem to look like they don't take life seriously and this is because of the poses and facial expression they use. So this give the connotation that the target audience also share that outlook on life and look up to these people because they like their aspirations and priorities.
Genre: The genre of the two page spread is Rcok. We know this from the band and the pictures showed. The man on the microphone.
Target Audience: The target audience is social group E/D people who are in educatiion from the age of 16 to 25. This is because the two page spread seems easy reading and easy to understand as it only has a short story and it has use of graphics. Making it less profressional.
Layout: The layout of the magazine makes the two page spread less professional because its uses a lot of graphics to tell thestory which means the reader doesn't have to concerntrate too much on reading the article. Also the writing that is in the article is short and doesn't seem to need that much effort to read.
Representation: The representation of the readers from this two page spread is that they enjoy to read this magazine so they don't have to read much and can just flick through the magazine understanding it easily. This associates with the target audience well because they are students and part time workers meaning they don't want to have to concerntrate too much to get the information out of the magzine.

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