- How they meet
- Where there from
- The school they went to
- What age they began to like music
- What instruments they can play
- The struggles they went through when the band came together
- Gigs they used to do
- How they became famous
- How they feel about the experience
Monday, 13 December 2010
Reasearch and PLanning: Story for two page spread
I have written out my story for my two page spread and I have decided to make it personal to the band, as from my research thats what a lot of magazines do to introduce new bands.
Research and Planning: Final shot Ideas
- Canted shot- I plan to use this shot type on my two page spread, I am going to take a shot of the band whilst on is on the icrophone and the other two are behind pulling faces. I am going to do this to show the personalities of the band. To show the audience that they are laid back and fun.
- I am going to get a medium shot, from high angled of the band for the front cover. I am going to get the "band" to strand together and look down at the camera. I want to do this so it makes them look liek they dominant the magazine. I want this impression to come through the magazine so the audience know that this is issue is about them.
- I am going to get ehad shots of the band so I can put information under about there age and their full names so that the audience know personal things about this new band.
- I am going to get a Long shot of the band for the main image on the two page spread and I am going to get the maleband members to pick the female band member up to show the audience that these are close but at the same time to give a twist to the photo so that the shots I take don't look the same.
- I am going to get another medium shot of a band for the contents page
- I am going to get a Close-up for the contents page to show that this band/ artist is a main story in the magazine.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Research and planning: Photos
I still need to take my photos at my chosen locations and find my models for that. I am going to do the magazine and add the photos on later, as I feel this will help me take the right shots to compliment my magazine. Also it will give me longer to find more appropriate models.
Monday, 6 December 2010
Research and PLanning: Contents page ideas
For my contents page i am going to add a note in the top corner, from the editor of the magazine, myself and this idea has come from the influence of the kerrang magazine, as I am attempting to design my contents page like that.
I want to include this on my magazine because it makes it more professional and realistic, it makes the magazine more than likely to exist in the real world.
I want to include this on my magazine because it makes it more professional and realistic, it makes the magazine more than likely to exist in the real world.
Research and Planning: Content page
This is the beginning of my contents page it is still in working progress.
So far I have done the title, a quote from the magazine, I have started to announce my page numbers and I have wrote an Editors promise.
I have incuded an editors promise because after researching magazines I found that the contents page usually has an editors promise.
So far I have done the title, a quote from the magazine, I have started to announce my page numbers and I have wrote an Editors promise.
I have incuded an editors promise because after researching magazines I found that the contents page usually has an editors promise.
Research and planning: Weather for the 7th of December.
On the 7th of December i will be taking my photos for my magazine, so here is a report of the weather so i can update my Risk assessment.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Research and Planning: Potential Titles for my two page spread.
- Don't forget me
- Don't forget me, Know me
- Rocking for a living
Research and Planning: Research into two page spread stories that already exsist.
I am ging to research what new and up-coming bands write about for magazines so I know what to write about in mine.
- Their influences in music and inspirations.
- There life styles and how they began to play music.
- Why they like the genre - Rock
- Person details- E.G home town, age, schools.\
Research and Plannig: Week commencing 6th december.
Monday- contents page, blogger
Tuesday- Photos
Wednesday- Photos
Thursday- Blogger
Friday - Blogger
Tuesday- Photos
Wednesday- Photos
Thursday- Blogger
Friday - Blogger
Thursday, 25 November 2010
research and Planning: Week commencing 29th movember 2010
Monday- Magazine
Tuesday- Magazine
Wednesday- Blogger updates if needed
Thursday- Blogger updates if needed
Friday- Blogger
Tuesday- Magazine
Wednesday- Blogger updates if needed
Thursday- Blogger updates if needed
Friday- Blogger
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Research and Planning: Clothes idea inspirations
All of this pictures have inspired me to use jeans- skinny or baggy
also they have made me decide on checkered tops or bright coloured tops with a lot going on, on them.
There hair to be long and styled with gel.
piercing and tattoo's but this is optional because not all rockers have piercing and Tattoo's.
The costume and make-up for girls has come from the lead singer of paramore hayley williams
- The big, back combed hair
- The black eye liner
- Shorts with tights coloured or patterned
- Any top as long as they have a lot going on, on the front.
- or skinny Jeans and converse.
Research and Planning: Analyse of an interview
This interview is between Sydney Rees' and Paramore. Paramore are an American rock/punk band and that is the type of bands that will feature in my magazine.
- The interview is very informal, this gives me the idea to be quite informal in my magazine because if people can relate to this then if i use this formality in magazine then they will relate to it.
- Also the language used in the interview is very informal "awesome" so I will use language like this is my magazine as the target audience will understand this and relate to it.
- Asking the band questions on how they meet and got together. so i can use this in y interview.
- Its also spontaneous speech so i will include fillers, and hesitations in my writen interview to make it more realistic.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Reasearch and planning: weather forcast for the next four days
Resarch and Planning: Beginning of Music magazine front cover.
Research and Planning: Font re-draft
I have thought over my fonts and decided to get a new one that represents a rock magazine and i found the font Broken74 and downloaded this of www.dafont.com so I could use this for my magazine.This is an example of my new font.
Research and Planning: Plan for the week commencing 22nd of November 2010.
My plan for this week is to get all my research for costumes done so I have a real understanding of what my target audience will expect an also some more research into interviews and music videos so that I can get as many meanings as possible. so i can use them in my magazine. Start to put my magazine together.
Monday - Costume research/ magazine
Tuesday - Researching interviews/ magazine
Wednesday- research
Thursday- Carry on with blogger - Article Drafts
Friday- magazine
Saturday- Blogger
Sunday- Blogger
Monday - Costume research/ magazine
Tuesday - Researching interviews/ magazine
Wednesday- research
Thursday- Carry on with blogger - Article Drafts
Friday- magazine
Saturday- Blogger
Sunday- Blogger
Friday, 19 November 2010
research and planning: two page spread story ideas.
- For my two pages spread I am going to focus on my band "Don't forget Me," so because they are a new band to this magazine then the target audience/ readers will want to know about the band personally and how they got together. I thing this should cover one page of the two page spread.
- I think the title should come over both pages but dominant one page.
- I also thing a lot of graphics to show the band and head shots so the audience/ readers know what the band members look like and can analyse them for them selves.
- An idea is to put an interview between the magazine editor and the band so that readeers can have fun finding out about the likes and dislikes about the bands. Icould include questions like Who's the most famous person you've meet? Whats the most embarrassing thing you've ever done? Who is your inspiration/ Idol?
- From the analysis of the two page spread of Kerrang I need to have story that will interest the readers as the band is a new band.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Resaerch and Planning: Rock music videos and images.
For part of my research I decided it would help me to watch music videos from rock influence, including the kerrang channel and Scuzz. I thought this would be a good idea to help me get a better understanding, so i could see how they behave when performing and the look they portray. So i could try and put this across in my magazine.
This is the music video http to avenged sevenfold - Nightmare, this is a well known rock band and I have looked at their appearance and there performance so I can try and include it in my pictures I found:
This is the music video http to avenged sevenfold - Nightmare, this is a well known rock band and I have looked at their appearance and there performance so I can try and include it in my pictures I found:
- A lot of tattoo's
- Mad hair styles - to show that their different and unique
- Bandannas/ sunglasses - This signals hiding identity making it seem like what there doing is illegal or looked down upon, making it seem outrageous.
- They are aggressive when they sing - These relates to the loud music.
- Creepy animals - Tarantula - I think this is included to connotate scare as a lot of people are creeped out by these sort of animals.
Research and Planning. My location Ideas
When I started to think about locations for my magazine I thought of all the locations that would signal Rokc to the audience I came up with:
- An under ground walk way - I thought of this because rock is loud and if the picture was to be taken under an underground it could connotate the loudness because its away from the world.
- A motor way - I thought a motor way would be a really good idea but I knew icouldn't do this because of the danger. But thaty would be a good representation of my band because rockers have a stereotype of dangerous.
- City center - I thought a city centerwould be a good idea because after research rockers like there music to be heard and in a city center there music would get a lot of attension.
- Canal/ woods - I thought this would be interesting because it would connotate exclusion from the world. I t would connotate that the rockers feel there music is two outrageous for the busy urban streets.
After a lot of thought I decided on the canal/ woods because I felt this was the location I could make work the best and it would give my magazine an intersting, diverse twist.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Research and planning: Actor release form.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Resaerch and Planning: Shot list - potental shots for my magazine
Shot types and angles I'm thinking of using in my magazine.
This is an example of a long shot. This is a good shot to use becasue its shows the whole image of the band so the audience of the magazine will no what the band look like. To use a long shot has been influenced by the kerrang magazine
This a example of a medium shot. This is a good shot touse because this shows the facial expresions of the band members so people can make assumptions on what the people in the band are like.
This is an example of a canted angled shot, i feel this well be a good angle to use in my magazine as it makes a picture more interesting. This will also be good because the genre of my magazine is rock and I feel that rock is not a dull genre so the shot will hae to project this.
- Long shot of the band in action from a low angle to make them look dominating. With the camera canted to give the shot a funky twist. Two page spread
- The head shots will be medium close-up, I have decided to include this shot because the band is new and people will want to know what they look like. Two page spread
- Wide shot, long shot of the band in action at their location for the front page. This is to tell the audience that the band "Don't forget me" is the issues main story. Front page
- Pictures of different bands from medium to long shots, this will be for the contents page to show that the magazine isn't just about one band so it will appeal to more people.
This is an example of a long shot. This is a good shot to use becasue its shows the whole image of the band so the audience of the magazine will no what the band look like. To use a long shot has been influenced by the kerrang magazine
This a example of a medium shot. This is a good shot touse because this shows the facial expresions of the band members so people can make assumptions on what the people in the band are like.
This is an example of a canted angled shot, i feel this well be a good angle to use in my magazine as it makes a picture more interesting. This will also be good because the genre of my magazine is rock and I feel that rock is not a dull genre so the shot will hae to project this.
Reasearch and planning: draft of two page spread
My initial ideas for my two page spread have been influenced from my analyse of the two page spread of Ker-rang. I feel that the use of images keeps the reader interested and that the stories on the two page spread also keeps interest of the audience. I thinkthis because the two together make the two page spread interesting to read and look at and it shows the reader that the magazine is not boring.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Research and Planning: Costumes/ Prop list.
Research and Planning: Outline of target audience
my target audience is aged between 19- 32. So this implies students and people who have part time jobs but are interested in rock music. The social groups of the target audience will be D/C.
How I propose to reach my target audience is by using images that they can relate so they feel comfortable reading the magazine. the language used will be laid back and easy following as the target audience are only students and they will want to be able to read a magazine that's easy going. Also I am going to include stories and subjects that the target audience can relate to and are interested in to make them want to read the magazine and enjoy to relax with the magazine. On the other hand I need to make my magazine more professional than the magazine "Kerrang" that I have analysed in my research and planning because this magazine aims more to students in further education- University. Also to people in full time and part time work who enjoy to read about music and find out about new music and gigs.
How I propose to reach my target audience is by using images that they can relate so they feel comfortable reading the magazine. the language used will be laid back and easy following as the target audience are only students and they will want to be able to read a magazine that's easy going. Also I am going to include stories and subjects that the target audience can relate to and are interested in to make them want to read the magazine and enjoy to relax with the magazine. On the other hand I need to make my magazine more professional than the magazine "Kerrang" that I have analysed in my research and planning because this magazine aims more to students in further education- University. Also to people in full time and part time work who enjoy to read about music and find out about new music and gigs.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Research and planning: Analysis of exsisting magazine contents page and two page spread.
Genre: The genre of the contents page is rock. This is signal through the pictures for example the picture that dominants the magazine is connotating the typical rocker, Tattoo's, swearing which connotates rocker attitude. All of the picture represent the stereotypical rocker.
Target Audience: The target audience for this magazine is people who are students or people who have a part time job, social-economic group E/ D. This is because the magazine doesn't really look professional because there is more use of pictures then words connotating that the audience would not understand the magazine properly if there was more paragraphs.
Layout: The layout prioritizes the images on the magazine to makes sure the audience understands what the magazine is going to be about. Also it looks untidy making it look less professional, on the other hand the layout suits the magazine because of the stereotypical rock images of untidiness and attitude its conveyed through the layout used, so the layout relates to the audience.
Representation: The representation is young and and easy going and this is represented through the amount of pictures used. This is because there are loads of pictures signaling that this magazine is aimed at people who just want to be able to easily red the magazine without too much concentration. Also the images show people who seem to look like they don't take life seriously and this is because of the poses and facial expression they use. So this give the connotation that the target audience also share that outlook on life and look up to these people because they like their aspirations and priorities.
Genre: The genre of the two page spread is Rcok. We know this from the band and the pictures showed. The man on the microphone.
Target Audience: The target audience is social group E/D people who are in educatiion from the age of 16 to 25. This is because the two page spread seems easy reading and easy to understand as it only has a short story and it has use of graphics. Making it less profressional.
Layout: The layout of the magazine makes the two page spread less professional because its uses a lot of graphics to tell thestory which means the reader doesn't have to concerntrate too much on reading the article. Also the writing that is in the article is short and doesn't seem to need that much effort to read.
Representation: The representation of the readers from this two page spread is that they enjoy to read this magazine so they don't have to read much and can just flick through the magazine understanding it easily. This associates with the target audience well because they are students and part time workers meaning they don't want to have to concerntrate too much to get the information out of the magzine.
Research and Planning: A contents page draft.
This is a draft of my contents page, these are intial ideas put together, on my contents page im going to ensure that there is a lot of graphics so that my magazine appeals to my target audience. I have used some influence from my analysis of the Kerrang contents page but I feel there should be more information on my contents page so my readers understand the layout of the magazines and the stories on it.
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