Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation: Question 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The Imac computer allowed my to put my magazine together and tweak and change it for the best. Also it allowed me to change pictures so I could create better images and make my magazine look how it should to target the audience.

The SLR camera I used to for my photography, this camera enabled me to catch great shots and to a brilliant picture making my magazine look more professional.

Photoshop I used to create my front page, contents and two page spread. This helped my to create my layout and improve my pictures.

I used Slide share to upload my PowerPoint onto so I could embroid it onto my blogger. the presentation was for question one of my evaluation and it was comparing use, Develop and Challenge for my magazine to another rock magazine.

Blogger I have used to upload all the work, research and drafts I have done for my magazine. The blogger holds all of my work and allows me to update thing whenever its needed.

Iphoto I used to upload all of my pictures to the computer. Also using the I photo I can look through all my pictures and find which ones were best to use for my magazine.

Flickr is a website I used to upload my pictures and talk about distribution services. such as 3vision distribution. Also I have created my own distribution company for my magazine.

Screen grabs of technologies I have used to produce my magazine.

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