Monday 13 December 2010

Research and Planning: Final shot Ideas

  • Canted shot- I plan to use this shot type on my two page spread, I am going to take a shot of the band whilst on is on the icrophone and the other two are behind pulling faces. I am going to do this to show the personalities of the band. To show the audience that they are laid back and fun.
  • I am going to get a medium shot, from high angled of the band for the front cover. I am going to get the "band" to strand together and look down at the camera. I want to do this so it makes them look liek they dominant the magazine. I want this impression to come through the magazine so the audience know that this is issue is about them.
  • I am going to get ehad shots of the band so I can put information under about there age and their full names so that the audience know personal things about this new band.
  • I am going to get a Long shot of the band for the main image on the two page spread and I am going to get the maleband members to pick the female band member up to show the audience that these are close but at the same time to give a twist to the photo so that the shots I take don't look the same.
  • I am going to get another medium shot of a band for the contents page
  • I am going to get a Close-up for the contents page to show that this band/ artist is a main story in the magazine.

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